Friday 11 December 2009

Football Factory opening scene

From the opening of this scene we are thinking of taking the ideas of their clothing and the ways of which they talk. we were thinking about having a similer opening to this with a fighting scene and showing one of the groups meeting up but this has been done many times. so we have decided to do a completely different opening to this, but this is still good and we have got a lot of ideas from this.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Scarface Opening Scene

The scene beings with the camera behide someones shoulder and slowly moves to show Tony Montana the main character. The camera only really looks at the face of Tony Montana, he is very smug and confident which goes well with the gangsters genre of the film. As the scene goes on the camera lows and begins to show that Tony Montana is wearing a hawaiian shirt which doesnt really fit the genre or just shows that hes low down in the ranks.

the godfather opening scene

The scene begins with the sound of the a voice then a close up on a gentlemans's face, who is explaining whats happened in the resent past. This straight away makes the audience feel sorry for him as hes talking about his daughter being beaten my two men. The more the scene goes on he camera closely zooms out wards, which allows the audience to see the clothes he is wearing. He is wear a suit this suggest that he has money and is high up in the ranks or its an important meeting and wnats to look his best its not really clear yet. As the camera keeps zooming out we get the start sight of who he is talking to, which is Don Vito Corleone. From this early scene it suggest that Don Vito Corleone is very high in the ranks and has alot of money as its his house and dressed very smartly in a suit,but the audience only sees this when he stands up to let the gentleman out the room as we only see his back till the end of the scence as he is in shadow and at a large desk which also suggest he is very powerfull. The gentleman has came to tell him about what has happened with his daughter and wants Don Vito Corleone to help him.