I like this magazine cover as it’s very simple with little writing but as it has a lot of picture of many different artists it seems like a lot more is doing on and makes it seem busier. They have only used 4 colours on this cover of the magazine which I like because it keeps it even more simple as the main colours that have been used are; black, white and red. Then a little bit of yellow to say something that is inside the magazine and the page it is on, yellow has been used as it sounds out and your eyes are drawn towards it. I feel the pictures that have been used on this cover are very effect as that they all go together nicely without any spaces between the different people as the designer has taken many different pictures and has put them together with a good effect. This has given me a few ideas as I may want to do a similar idea. The magazine cover also has the things which you would normally find on the cover such as; the date the issue number and a barcode.
I feel that used contexts page it very effective, simple and easy to read. This really fits in well with the audience, which are teenagers and young adults. My magazine is to have s similar audience. It is very simple as it has one large picture taking up all most the page. This picture also links to the target audience as the picture is of a band looking natural playing music in a room which is what a lot of young musicians do. The list of items in the magazine down the left side of the page, the start of an item which then says what page this item is taken from so that the reader turns to the page and reads on. It also has an advert at the bottom of the page which is advertising a subscription to the magazine at a lower price. the font that has been used for the headings is good as its bold and just stands out which is what these young bands want to be like.
This double page spread is very simple and clean, with clean neutral colours, mainly grey and white. They have used one picture which take up half of one side which looks good but i feel its hard to make out who they are as you cant really see they faces very well and because of this i feel i am going to used a large picture to take up most of one side of my double page. I like the way that they have used a timeline at the bottom of the page which take you what they have done in the past and gives you dates, so if your unknown with the band you can see and learn what have done before. The item has been written in columns which i feel is the best way to write and it also has quotes taken from the text, which have been enlarge and put in bold.